
DevOps Ignition - Want to know more about it?

DevOps Ignition

“I want to know more about DevOps, where should I start?”

This is a very good question that many people asked me a couple of time until now. So, I decided to write this article to share my list of articles, blogs, tutorials and books that I have read, consulted or watched. DevOps ignition may be easier with the proper resources. Here is a list that helped me to understand what is DevOps, why it matters, and how to make the transformation where I work.

In order to ignite your internal flame for DevOps, you should definitely take a look at the books The Phoenix Project and The Unicorn Project. These novels will surely capture your attention and open your mind towards DevOps.

Then, The DevOps Handbook is a very good reference book to apply the three ways of DevOps mentionned by Gene Kim in The Phoenix Project.

They are also available as audiobooks:

  1. The Phoenix Project [Audiobook]
  2. The Unicorn Project [Audiobook]
  3. The DevOps Handbook [Audiobook]

DevOps Transformation Examples

DevOps at Microsoft

In my opinion, one of the best examples of success stories is the DevOps transformation at Microsoft. They started their transformation in 2009 and it last for many years. Today, they are no longer the same company than they were in early 2000s.

Many videos are availables and explain lots of very interesting concepts and they implement them like:

  • Moving to Cloud cadence
  • Branching Strategy
  • Shift Left
  • From monolith to cloud service
  • Feature Flags
  • Safe Deployment Practices

Have a look by yourself:

State of DevOps Reports

Those reports give lots of information on trend, what makes good and bad performers, how to build quality in, etc. It’s a must if you are responsible of a team or a product.

[2016] [2017] [2018] [2019]

Puppet also have lots of white papers that can be consumed very quickly and worth giving a try.

State of DevOps Report 2016

Applying DevOps Principles

The next ones are more optionals but if you are going to dive into DevOps, you should definitely look at them. Especially, The Lean Startup that gives really good tips and directions to follow in today’s world where everything goes so fast. The Goal exposes the theory of constraint and will push your reflection on value streams and flows to another level.

Pluralsight DevOps Path 

I recommend you to do the DevOps path at Pluralsight if you want to do a DevOps 360 degrees. It gives lot of information about just everything that you must take into account.

IT Revolution DevOps Blog

This blog expose lots of great content to assimilate. Obviously, it belongs to Gene Kim, so no surprise here!